It's now online the brand new 2021 BN edition of "Life's Blooms .Illustrations in poetry...the silent side of beauty", my bilingual (Italian - English) illustrated book of poetries! ($ 28)
Enjoy the reading!
It's now online the brand new 2021 BN edition of "Life's Blooms .Illustrations in poetry...the silent side of beauty", my bilingual (Italian - English) illustrated book of poetries! ($ 28)
Enjoy the reading!
So unbelievable moments have starred my path.
My endless
story starts with you,
Sparkled in
glam, preciousness and glittering spills of magnificent liquid emotions,
All become
so natural,
through the spikes of dirtiness and triviality
Let’s slip
away together in a soapy way,
In a smart
Not eager
to know
What about
we are unaware
giving ourselves to the rest of the world or,
more importantly, to ourselves…
We don’t
need to break anything.
If you look
to make a crack out, you’ll never find it!
What do you
mean for love?
Freedom or
or selectivity?
For me all
together once forever…
I don’t
need anything else for sinking deeply in what I look everyday
And doesn’t exist anyone else I’d want to stay with…
I could be
complete by the strength of my imagination
or a
picture of you, pinned on the wall, always besides me,
you in all my works, my books, my pictures, my dreams,
our music,
art, poetry,
virtual dimensions, stuck in the middle between fiction and reality,
between dreams and facts,
in the searches
about societal affairs,
truths, unveiling scandals, helping to find solutions
in an
attempt to build a better world for all and sheding lights on it…
but all I
miss is your fire,
The only
one I want…
distinctions anymore, by now, between nights and days,
Time has
been deleted,
Along with
moon, sun, stars…
We just are
two alone entities…
You, my sweetest
and great first love, have been the only one for me.
I’m wondering
why I look for more than this.
ephemerous laws of attractions…
I’m already
lucky for that!
Plenty of
people who’ve never known what it means indeed
and maybe
will never met it.
I wouldn’t have
to lose that great perfection, the highest I had,
Let’s keep
on climbing the tide.
Your body
is in mine,
Let’s feel at
unison all the love of the universe,
In a single
infinite breath, in a special atoll,
by gorgeousness and uncontaminated nature,
Plunging in
all the brightness life can give,
One on each
We have the
same sound.
Your big
eyes pierce mines,
Darkness is
in me
everything’s right.
Just now I
feel good and there’s anything else around me…
Classy wild
our moods and ways of being
Let’s step
together the star-way of a glorious, wondering and staggering eclipse,
Crumbled in
suffering and wondered by marvels and beauty.
Would you skip in it with me?
Not worthy burning
in obnubilating ashes,
Much more fulfilling entirely in love.
We don’t
like stones nor dogs…
At least I’ve had too much of this clumsy and
fuzzy stuff.
Like the naīvest, flowery
and gipsy hippies
always believed in free love,
always faithful to our reciprocal feelings.
No reasons to be jealous
About other stories or orgasms could normally happen.
We would end up buried in a box.
All my wish is to get a chance of lingering
with you,
Hand in hand,
side by side,
way our tiredness,
Detached, in our lunar river bed to dig in it
some kind of rest and peace,
retrieving our souls…
We already fuck together…
I don’t
want a father of my children,
Not a
toddler by long time,
Not even
babies at all for myself.
I’d rather
prefer to be a kind of cherishing fairy of all world’s kids,
them by my grace,
And hotly
filling them with the love and comfort I can give to them,
them of warmth and softness.
I wanna
stay pure as in those days.
I’d do like looking further or beyond anymore,
I don’t hide to be scared sometimes about sliding
in shallow sadness,
Totally deprived of hope.
Even if I could look inside my freaky soul to
find you there, irreplaceable,
You know it’s not the same.
I’m afraid to smash myself deranged.
I could never help loving you,
though broken out because you’re not here
And not being possible to predict if we could
meet each other again.
Finding parts of you and our happiness in every
“love affairs” I had
Have never completed the puzzle.
No one is you.
Projections, abstractions,
Exaltations and delusions…
Whit regret maybe it will happen again in other
chameleonic forms
Or the pieces finally will fit.
I will catch you sun.
From you I come and I go.
Turn me out.
The Doors - Blue Sunday - YouTube
It's night
I release all the frictions of the stress and the adrenaline from my body,
I unleash the tiredness...
while you surprise me licking slowly
the dew flowing from my dionysiac chalice
preciously inlayed of gems...
I'm already come
'cause you're the greatest source of my pleasure...
after having waited for you
and this astonishing and shivery moment,
satisfying your utmost sweet, warm and wild craving desires
tightly enclosed in a soft muffled embrace
projecting you in the stardom of ecstasy
making you plunge in the tantalizing nectar of the fertile abundance of my sexual needs of you...
I'm an angel with a cunt on fire...
Immortal evanescence...
The voyage
Everything has an alpha and omega
Cycling over and over again
In an ever ending loop
That never stops.
I fly away
Leaving all behind me
Taking care not to leave traces in this golden sand
Feet of numb
To start another voyage,
To dream another dream,
To reconnect me to the other faces of reality.
Open your heart,
Lose yourself in the mystery of the night,
Unchain in pureness the power of your soul
Under the moonshine.
Slip in your unconsciousness.
Leaving to not return is not like going away.
Voyaging means never arriving
though you could never come back so far as from yourself.
Ogni cosa ha un’alfa e un’omega
Che scorre ciclicamente
In un loop infinito
Che non si arresta mai.
Volo via
Lasciando tutto dietro di me
Facendo attenzione a non lasciare le mie impronte su questa sabbia dorata,
piedi di nuvola,
per iniziare un altro viaggio,
sognare un altro sogno,
riconnettermi alle altre facce della realtà.
Apri il tuo cuore.
Perditi nel mistero della notte.
Togli in purezza le catene al potere della tua anima
Sotto il bagliore lunare.
Scivola nella tua incoscienza.
Partire per non tornare non è come andar via.
Viaggiare significa non arrivare mai
Benchè non potrai mai ritornare da più lontano che da te stesso.
Il destino del viaggiatore è navigare l’ignoto
Mentre gli altri restano ancora a riva.